A dastardly New Orleans criminal by the name of Darkyus Raymond wanted sex at any cost. He was even willing to pull a gun on his victim in order to rape her. But then in a very odd twist, he fell asleep in the middle of the deed.
In a related report by The Inquisitr , some people are claiming Hillary Clinton tried to blame a 12-year-old rape victim with the “blame the victim” defense. While that may be outrageous, some people were upset when a creationist claimed the worldview of evolutionists made rape acceptable , and even expected.
The odd story of this particular perp started when 21-year-old Raymond broke into the home of the intended victim and waited for her with shotgun in hand. After several hours, the 18-year-old woman arrived at home and Raymond accosted her, demanding that they have sex. He also commanded her to not reveal his presence if anyone were to suddenly drop in or ring the doorbell. In that case, she was supposed to tell any accidental witness that she was home alone… and that there was not a gun being pointed at her by the would-be rapist.
Fortunately, the woman did not have to deal with the sticky situation of an unexpected visitor, nor was she raped or sexually assaulted in any manner, because it was apparently past someone’s bed time. Although reports are vague on this point, it appears that at some point the woman’s attacker nodded off to cast some Z’s. Once the potential victim realized what was going on, she called police and they arrested Raymond .
According to the Sheriff’s office, Darkyus Raymond was arrested on charges of false imprisonment with a weapon, aggravated burglary, and an outstanding warrant.