A Colorado teen has an amazing story to tell after she stabs her kidnapper with his own knife as he drove down the road. On Wednesday evening, according to CBS News , the teen was waiting at a Wheat Ridge, Colorado bus stop. The teen said she was approached by a man asking for directions. She obliged and the man offered to give her a ride home to Lakewood. Unfortunately, she accepted his ride. She gave the man directions to her home, but she says as they approached Edgewater he veered off track into an alley where he presented a knife.
He bound her hands and drove away. The teen said they drove for approximately an hour before she was able to get her hands free and grab the knife in the floor. Once she grabbed the knife she began to stab the kidnapper and ran away. At this point they had made it to Aurora, Colorado.
Edgewater police praised the girl for her quick thinking action. Chief John Hough said:
She kept her cool, which is tough to do in a situation like that. She basically saved herself from a much more serious incident.
She isn’t the only quick acting girl in Colorado. In a completely unrelated incident earlier that same day, The Denver Post reports that a 10-year-old girl was approached by a kidnapper as she was walking her dog. Like the teen who stabbed her abductor, this girl also acted in self defense.
The girl says she was walking her dog at West 29th Avenue and Chase Street when a man approached her and asked to pet her dog. When she said no the man said, “shut up”, and dragged her into an alley where he grabbed her by the neck. In this case the 10-year-old girl screamed for help and proceeded to kick him between the legs as her dog bit the man.
After being kicked in the groin, the man let the girl go. She ran home and her mother took her to the police station. She was able to bring police to the kidnappers home where she had seen him sitting on the porch when she passed with her dog. He was arrested and brought to jail by the Wheat Ridge Police Department.
In 2012, it made national news when a girl in Georgia fought off her kidnapper in a Wal-Mart and it was all caught on video.
A teen stabs a kidnapper, a 10-year-old girl kicks a kidnapper in the groin and an 8-year-old fights back with her self defense skills learned in karate, it is safe to say that these kidnappers got more than they bargained for when attempting to kidnap these girls.
Have you taught your child or teen self-defense for incidents such as these?
[image Credit: CBS Denver ]