Would you consider an adorable little girl reciting the pledge of allegiance too political? Well, CBS Sports definitely does, which is why the network reportedly refused to air a commercial with the historic statement.
According to KVEW-TV , the 30-second advertisement, entitled “Our Future,” features Windermere Real Estate company owner Dave Retter’s 4-year-old granddaughter reciting the pledge of allegiance with her hand placed over her heart.
Here’s the adorable video of 4-year-old girl.
The commercial, which was initially scheduled to air this Sunday during the Horse Heaven Round-Up Rodeo from the Benton Franklin, was ultimately rejected by the network. While most people probably would have considered the footage to be rather touching and adorable, CBS Sports reportedly explained that the video was rejected due to its “political nature.”
However, a representative from the network stated that the political nature was not the reason for the rejection. The commercial was reportedly rejected because it only catered to the Tri-Cities area and did not appeal to a national audience. However, Retter feels otherwise.
Retter recently shared his sentiments of the network’s decision with the Tri-Cities Herald . He explained that, as a sponsor of the Champions Tour during the Horse Heaven Round-Up Rodeo, he opts to get a national advertisement spot when the annual event airs. However, he didn’t think the pledge of allegiance would be a reason for the network to reject his commercial. He actually thought the pledge would be relatively befitting for a national audience as a way to pay reverence to 9/11.
“We thought we don’t really have very much that we would advertise nationally and we thought you know it’s gonna be around 9/11 why don’t we run the Pledge of Allegiance Ad. We just thought it’s around Sept. 11, Patriot Day, and rodeo is as patriotic a sport as it comes. We’ve had so many positive responses, we felt it would be fun to run something positive.”
Retter ultimately replaced the commercial with footage of a World War II veteran who later became an agent with his company. Do you feel the video was too political or offensive to air? Share your thoughts.
[Image via Bing]