Bryce Dallas Howard is Jurassic World ‘s “it” girl and she seems perfectly happy to go along with that, even if it means bathing in dino poop, but one thing Ms, Howard won’t be doing in the next Jurassic World film is to be running in high heels. As Jurassic World gets its DVD and Blu-ray release, Ms. Bryce Dallas Howard talks about her shoe controversy and the deleted scenes that would have included a dinosaur poop bath.
Jurassic World Fans Were Baffled By Bryce Dallas Howard’s Footwear
There’s no minimizing Jurassic World ‘s success. The film was the biggest film of 2015 and the highest grossing movie ever, but as audiences left theaters, there was one thing on everyone’s mind: Bryce’s footwear. Ms. Howard confirmed what everyone wanted to know, when the Jurassic World actress told Collider that those high heels were incredibly difficult, as far as filming her scenes. Bryce also said that, while she appreciates the credit everyone has given her for getting through the experience so gracefully, she’s still taken aback by how much attention has been given to her feet.
Ms. Howard also commented that the high heels added authenticity to her Jurassic World character, because it was never Claire’s intention to find herself running through a jungle. Being the business woman, Howard’s character comes to the party dressed for boardroom meetings, not for manipulating nature’s obstacle courses, while fleeing the greatest predators this planet has ever known.
“Here’s what I will say is the way that Colin told me that the sequel was happening, like when it got greenlit, and that I was going to be in it, he texted me #NoHeels2018 and I was like ‘yeah boy,’” Ms. Howard said.
A Down And Dirty Deleted Jurassic World Scene Gets An Online Release
Sometimes, scenes get deleted just for their redundancy or because they don’t really add to the overall story and when a film runs over the two-hour limit, as is the case with Jurassic World , those kinds of scenes are the first to end up on the cutting room floor. One such scene involves Bryce Dallas Howard giving herself a full body rub-down with dinosaur dung at the behest of Owen, played by Chris Pratt.
The concept is easy to understand, especially since it had been introduced in earlier Jurassic Park films, and it certainly makes sense that the best way to cover up the flowery scents of mankind’s perfumes, deodorants, and lotions is to slather one’s flesh with something as primal as dino droppings, but it is certainly a cringe-worthy moment.
The deleted Jurassic World scene, reported by Cinema Blend , begins with Chris Pratt digging into a pile of dung and caking it onto his exposed arms, before suggesting that Claire (Howard) do the same to “cover up the smell of that vanilla scented lotion you put on, before you came to see me.”
What follows is perhaps the most conflicting scene in cinema, combining the erotic with the foul, as Ms. Howard sets her foot up to expose her leg from toes to upper thigh, clad in a sheer white stocking. It is at this point that the contrast between the finery of Claire’s lifestyle and the untamed savagery of the jungle meet. Bryce’s Jurassic World character then slathers dinosaur feces on her legs and arms, but that isn’t quite enough to satisfy Owen. Claire finally rubs the dung into the flesh of her neck up to her face to the amusement of Owen, before the scene ends.
The scene isn’t anything earth-shattering and it seems obvious why it had been chosen for elimination, but it may still be interesting to Jurassic World fans. A memorable moment for both the Jurassic Park franchise and for Bryce Dallas Howard’s portfolio.
No wonder Bryce Dallas Howard has such smooth skin.
[Featured image courtesy of Universal Pictures/ Jurassic World ]