This past week was a wild one on Big Brother 21 and spoilers suggest that Week 4 could be a bit crazy, too. The “Camp Comeback” twist is over and a new Head of Household was named overnight. Who won the HOH competition, and how will that impact the existing alliances during the coming week?
Viewers watched during Thursday night’s live show as some BB21 houseguests were blindsided and Cliff was evicted over Nicole. However, things moved quickly into the Camp Comeback competition that would allow one of the four evicted players to return to the game, and Cliff won.
Nick and Bella were blindsided by six members of the house choosing to evict Cliff over Nicole, and Nick had to sit out this HOH competition. He wanted Bella to win to ensure they would be safe and regroup this week, but Big Brother spoilers tease that things didn’t fall into place that way.
According to Big Brother Network , Cliff managed to win HOH. Viewers will have to wait and see how the competition played out. However, the chatter on the live feeds after the HOH competition suggested that Jack nearly won, but Cliff pulled it out.
How does Cliff’s win impact the Gr8ful alliance? Big Brother spoilers reveal that they’re feeling pretty panicked. The live feeds showed a lot of scrambling and quiet conversations after Cliff won Camp Comeback, and that continued after the HOH competition.
Cliff- There is a new sheriff in town. His name is Cliff Hogg. If you want, you can just call me Boss. Mic drop #BB21
— Big Brother Daily (@BB_Updates) July 19, 2019
As the Twitter account @BB_Updates detailed, Cliff talked with some players about how he is not after couples as had been discussed previously. Jackson and Analyse talked about how to move forward, and Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds revealed that he is determined to target Nick and Bella over anybody else. He even mentioned perhaps offering himself up as a pawn nominee.
BBN noted that in the wee hours of the morning, Cliff was acknowledging to some that Jack was on his shortlist of possible nominees. Cliff also mentioned to Jackson that he trusts Tommy, Analyse, Christie, and Jack the least out of the players remaining.
In addition, Cliff signaled to Jackson that he wants to work with him and Holly going forward. Later, Kat chatted with Jackson that she felt he could be in danger, but that she thought Cliff would end up nominating Nick and Jack.
Who will Cliff nominate? Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds showed that Cliff told Tommy, Kat, Jack, and Christie that he has no intention of nominating any of them, but that he also hasn’t made any decisions yet.
The next set of nominations should be revealed via the live feeds at some point Friday afternoon. Who will the new HOH Cliff choose to initially put on the block? Will any of the outstanding powers impact these nominations, or will Power of Veto shake things up? Stay tuned for additional Big Brother 21 spoilers as Week 4 action kicks into gear.