Just when it seemed that Hillary Clinton’s right hand woman, Huma Abedin was going to continue to turn the other cheek to her husband, Anthony Weiner’s repeated sexting and sexual acting out, Abedin has made a public statement that she has made the “painful decision” to separate from her husband, after new photos of Weiner lying in bed with their toddler at his side, sexting, or sexual texting with a woman other than his wife. Once again, it was the New York Post that published photos that pushed Abedin’s embarrassment to an intolerable level. As Hillary Clinton’s senior advisor, Abedin has been in the spotlight, and was constantly being asked about her philandering husband.
The continued talk of the town in New York has been what is wrong with Anthony Weiner, disgraced congressman, and failed mayoral candidate , that he would continue to have conversations of a sexual nature with strangers after getting caught several times, and seemingly forgiven by his long-suffering wife, Abedin, according to The Inquisitr . Experts in the mental health field have been quibbling over the last few years or so, trying to figure out if Anthony Weiner is just a jerk, a cheating spouse, or if Weiner suffers from mental health problems. Talk of sexual addiction arises, but so does the idea that Weiner might just be suffering from severe professional jealousy in trying to ruin Abedin’s career after his had failed. After getting caught being catfished two weeks ago, Anthony Weiner was still making jokes, likening himself to a mongoose, which is deceptively strong.
Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner are separating pic.twitter.com/4WVZxfTMmo
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) August 29, 2016
Abedin is using words like furious and sickened to describe the latest sexting of strangers by her husband, Anthony Weiner, mainly because the photos being splashed across papers included her son Jordan lying next to his father while the extra-marital chatting was going on, says CNN . Huma Abedin put out a statement, asking for privacy, even when Anthony Weiner’s behavior has been very public.
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“After long and painful consideration and work on my marriage, I have made the decision to separate from my husband. Anthony and I remain devoted to doing what is best for our son, who is the light of our life. During this difficult time, I ask for respect for our privacy,”
Anthony Weiner — Huma Abedin’s Leaving … After New Sexting Scandal https://t.co/epzjcVjsoy
— TMZ (@TMZ) August 30, 2016
Sources close to Abedin say that she did not know anything about Weiner including photos of their son along with his sexting pals, and she is horrified. Even the woman who claims she has been sexting with Anthony Weiner for over a year seemed shocked that the child, named Jordan, was included in Weiner’s illicit pictures, while he posed in his underwear.
“Someone just climbed into my bed,” Weiner wrote, bringing attention to his child in the photos.
The sexting partner seems shocked that Weiner is so blase, snapping picture of himself with an erection with his child in the bed.
“Your do realize you can see you(r) Weiner in that pic??”
And Anthony Weiner is being dumped by his last employment source just after his wife, Abedin, announced that she has separated from her cheating husband. The New York Post , which broke the story of Weiner’s latest sexual escapades, has added Weiner’s firing by NY 1’s Wise Guys . Weiner’s last remaining political gig since losing his bid for mayor, which was highlighted in the surprisingly comedic documentary Weiner .
The station says that Weiner is on “indefinite leave” after appearing in a lewd crotch shot next to his toddler. Even people who believed that nothing Anthony Weiner go do would shock them are disgusted by the latest photo, which dragged a child into such lurid business. Before this latest incident, Anthony Weiner was fired from a public relations firm after two months on the job. The company’s chief executive, Michael Kempner said that Weiner’s presence was disruptive.
“He [Weiner] understands that his presence here has created noise and distraction that just isn’t helpful.”
Ironically, after years of meeting women online via Twitter, Anthony Weiner finally closed down his Twitter account after the photos of himself and his son were published by the New York Post .
Do you think Anthony Weiner, now unemployed, has any chance of getting custody of his son with Huma Abedin?
[Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images]