Alicia Silverstone is baring all in an ad campaign for PETA. It’s no surprise that she’s an advocate for animal rights. But, Alicia’s latest photo is likely to stir some social media attention.
Silverstone has been a longtime spokesperson for PETA. She decided to fulfill that role in the organization’s new anti-wool campaign that shows Silverstone mooning the camera. In the new NSFW ad, Silverstone is fully naked in PETA’s new ad campaign shot by Brian Bowen Smith, according to People Style . She’s seen standing in a field of flowers, looking over her shoulder and giving her signature pout, while holding a sheep mask in her left hand.
According to PETA’s official website , the organization is now going after the wool industry. A blog post announcing the new ad campaign reveals, “The gentle animals are often beaten, kicked, and mutilated so that their wool can be made into sweaters, coats, scarves, gloves, and boots.”
Their new ad campaign also released a safe-for-work video starring Silverstone addressing this all too common problem. She concluded the video by urging people to join her in the fight in never buying wool again.
“Wool in general has not been thought about … the biggest thing people say to me is, Oh, but they just shear the sheep, they don’t kill the sheep. It’s not like that, it’s on the slaughterhouse floor where there’s a conveyor belt and it’s just so fast, the shearing process, that they get cut, they get harmed and they’re seriously wounded and there’s no care for them when they’re wounded. It’s just move on to the next. These are creatures that, to the people who are doing this, are just objects.”
Silverstone also spoke to InStyle about her naked ad campaign. She said that she felt comfortable stripping down for the camera since it’s for a good cause.
“I was pretty shy about it, but I trusted the photographer,” Silverstone admitted. “You know, you don’t see me naked in movies or TV, I don’t do that, but for the animals, it’s worth it, and hopefully that carries some weight. And if I can help with informing people about what’s going on, if my butt has to be naked for them to get it, then it’s worth it.”
Silverstone’s “I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Wool” billboard is set to be unveiled in Times Square on Monday, Nov. 21 between 40th Street and 8th Avenue. The former ’90s star is hoping that the provocative ad will encourage consumers to refuse to buy wool during the busiest shopping season of the year. When asked if she’s nervous about being naked in front of everyone, Silverstone laughed and said she feels good about it.
“It kind of can’t really comprehend it. But it’s kind of exciting that there’s going to be something that will catch people’s attention and get them to think. Hopefully, they won’t say anything mean about my butt,” she paused, and then added “I’m teasing – if they’re going to make fun of my butt, that’s OK because it’s for the animals, so I’ll take it.”
This isn’t her first nude ad campaign for PETA. In 2007, Silverstone previously appeared nude in a PETA ad campaign promoting vegetarianism , but she kept her assets covered up in most of the photos. In the photos, Silverstone appeared wet and naked as she posed in the grass and inside the bathroom.
Back in 1998, Silverstone announced that she became a vegan. Six years later, PETA named her the “Sexiest Female Vegetarian.” She has since embarked on her vegan lifestyle by launching a green cosmetics line, The Kind Diet cookbook, and a breast milk sharing program. Silverstone has always been open and honest about sticking to her all-vegan and green lifestyle.
[Featured Image by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images]