Pete Buttigieg Slams ‘Hypocritical’ Christian Politicians Like Mike Pence For ‘Un-Christian’ Political Stances

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg slammed “hypocritical” Christians — like Mike Pence — who invoke Jesus Christ but yet support political stances that he calls “un-Christian.”

The South Bend, Indiana mayor, who is himself a Christian, made his thoughts clear regarding politicians like Indiana’s Mike Pence; politicians who claim to be Christian yet aren’t very Christ-like in their politics, according to Religion News Service.

Buttigieg’s interviewer asked him directly if he thought their actions were “sinful.” In response, Buttigieg was reluctant to use the word sin, citing Jesus’ admonition to not call out the speck in your brother’s eye while having a log in your own. But he did say that the actions of such politicians betray a tendency to turn a blind eye to Jesus’ teachings.

“I would say… that it’s clear that some naked sins are being at best condoned by people who then summon religious arguments. That rings more and more hollow.”

He went on to say that, though he and Vice President Mike Pence don’t see eye to eye when it comes to some of the Bible’s teachings, such as when it comes to sexuality. Buttigieg is openly gay, while Pence is considered one of the most anti-LGBTQ politicians in office.

He believes that Pence, as a Christian, should acknowledge Donald Trump’s shortcomings.

“Mike Pence’s view of Christian sexuality is obviously a little different than mine. But even with his view, it makes no sense to condone this president and his behavior,” Buttigieg said.

Buttigieg went on to say that Christians who support un-Christian political stances aren’t just offensive to his values, but also to their own.

Elsewhere in the interview, Buttigieg spoke about how his own Christian faith has informed his political outlook. Specifically, Buttigieg said that the “religious left” is “stirring.”

For decades, evangelical Christians have thrown their support behind Republicans and conservatives — the so-called “religious right.” But Buttigieg says that the day is coming when left-leaning religious people, whose politics are informed by their faith, will be coming on the political stage.

“There is something going on that is so much bigger than party politics right now. It’s a kind of stirring or, or reawakening, ” he said.

He noted, however, that the “religious left” is nothing new, calling to mind the progressive reformers of the turn of the 20th century, such as Mother Jones and Washington Gladden.

“There’s been this kind of progressive dimension to religious activism for much longer than I’ve been on the scene,” he said.

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