Arizona State Superintendent Hires Man Who Thinks Dinosaurs Were On Noah’s Ark To Review Evolution In Schools

Arizona State Superintendent Diane Douglas has hired a creationist who believes that dinosaurs were on Noah’s Ark to help schools decide how best to teach evolution in science classes across the state.

As the Arizona Republic reported, the creationist that Douglas hired is of the opinion that the Earth is just 6,000 years old, and that dinosaurs were saved when they fled on Noah’s Ark. According to this creationist, Joseph Kezele, “Plenty of space on the ark for dinosaurs – no problem.”

While Diane Douglas is alleged to be leaving her position as superintendent soon, Kezele will be staying firmly put and will be part of a group that will be reviewing science standards in Arizona schools now.

Joseph Kezele currently teaches biology courses at Arizona Christian University and, as interviewer Joseph Flaherty for the Phoenix New Times asserts, is a “a staunch believer in the idea that enough scientific evidence exists to back up the biblical story of creation.”

Diane Douglas is reportedly very excited to have creationist Joseph Kezele at the helm of Arizona’s science curriculum and when reviewing new science standards, is alleged to have taken the word evolution out of much of the curriculum in schools. She has also suggested that creationism should be taught in conjunction with evolution and is a strong proponent of intelligent design.

“Should the theory of intelligent design be taught along with the theory of evolution? Absolutely. I had a discussion with my staff, because we’re currently working on science standards, to make sure this issue was addressed in the standards we’re working on.”

Creationist Kezele is now part of an eight-person committee that will help to review science standards in Arizona schools, although it must be stressed that the State Department of Education must examine and approve of any changes before they go into effect.

A spokesperson speaking on Diane Douglas’ behalf noted that while Kezele made sure that he didn’t speak about “his personal creationist beliefs” with the education committee, one change has already been proposed in schools which is quite substantial. If this change does get put through, science students in Arizona will soon be taught that evolution is simply “an explanation for the unity and diversity of organisms, living and extinct” instead of a true “explanation.”

Kezele believes that students should be taught that science can actually prove creationism and decide for themselves whether evolution is true or not.

“I’m not saying to put the Bible into the classroom, although the real science will confirm the Bible. Students can draw their own conclusions when they see what the real science actually shows.”

While Arizona State Superintendent Diane Douglas may be departing soon, she leaves behind creationist Kezele, who may soon radically change how evolution is taught in schools.

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