The Many Conspiracy Theories Against President Obama Explained By An Infographic [Mother Jones]

When President Obama was still Senator Obama, political nutjobs came out swinging against the future POTUS. Political conspiracy theorist claims ranged from Barack Obama being born in Kenya to his goal of bringing 100 million Muslims to America in order to start a new world order.

Sometimes the conspiracy theories were funny and outrageous, and sometimes they bordered on scary.

Whether you believe President Obama wants to re-educate your children or that Michelle Obama exiled his mistress, it is almost certain that we can all agree that President Obama as the first Black President of the United States has been attacked more than normal by political crazies.

Check out the infographic below and pay close attention to some of our favorites including Obama is a secret Muslim, Obama’s bringing 100 million Muslims to America, Obama married a Pakistani guy, Obama lost his US citizenship, and Obama wouldn’t say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Yes, the examples above have been largely disproved by various sources, but it is still interesting to see how many different types of attacks are going against the President of the United States.

Here’s the Infographic. Be sure to check out Mother Jones for full details of each conspiracy theory:

Believe it or not, President Obama likely did not travel to Mars as a teen, although we have no way to actually confirm that fac,t which means, just like the birther movement, a lack of evidence must make that conspiracy theory true … right?

What is your favorite President Obama conspiracy theory?

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