‘Big Brother 18’ Spoilers: Veto Results Revealed, ‘BB18’ Rumors Addressed [Spoilers]

Big Brother 18 spoilers continue to come in from the weekend. These latest BB18 spoilers include the Veto results, but also address some rumors about what has gone on inside the house over the last 10 days. Fan site Joker’s Updates has been revealing everything going on inside the house through use of the CBS live feeds. It has been a very eventful two days, following the first two episodes that were shown on June 22 and 23.

Getting right to the most prevalent Big Brother 18 spoilers, there are now going to be three nominees for eviction each week, there is going to be a special competition that leads to the third nomination, and the show will still have a Veto competition that could further manipulate how things progress in the BB18 house. Head of Household Nicole Franzel named her two nominees for eviction and they were Paulie Calafiore and Jozea Flores.

As previously reported by the Inquisitr, Nicole’s team lost Glenn Garcia to the first eviction of the season. Her other teammates, Corey Brooks and Tiffany Rousso, then agreed to allow her to become the first BB18 HOH. From there, Nicole nominated Paulie and Jozea for eviction, but that wasn’t where the nominations would come to an end. A report from Joker’s Updates revealed several more Big Brother 18 spoilers that quickly followed her nomination ceremony.

Frank Eudy won a new secret competition that will get revealed during the Sunday, June 26, episode of the show. By winning, he was allowed to decide upon a third nominee for eviction. He went with Paul Abrahamian as his choice, putting someone else at risk of going home next. All the nominees, two additional houseguests, and Nicole (as the HOH) then played in the Veto competition. Paul ended up winning the Veto, meaning he can take himself off during the upcoming Veto ceremony.

Though it hasn’t been fully explained in any of the Big Brother 18 spoilers that have been revealed, there has been chatter on social media that there are additional rules applied to the third nominee. One of the Big Brother 18 rumors states if the third nominee were to win the Veto competition, they would be replaced on the block by the current Head of Household. That would certainly be a huge twist for the show, but it also isn’t something that has been confirmed just yet. Needless to say, Paul Abrahamian is now safe from eviction.

For fans to read about even more interesting things that have happened in the BB18 house already, TV Guide posted an article about the “nine most ridiculous things” that have happened during Week 1 of the game. Included in that list is Tiffany Rousso crying already, while noting that she wasn’t going to act like her sister Vanessa Rousso while she played the game. Her plan appears to have not lasted very long. Another was the lack of any other people in the video and interviews of Corey Brooks before he entered the game.

Some of these Big Brother 18 spoilers will get revealed during the June 26 episode at 8 p.m. PT/ET. That is likely where producers will show what took place during the special competition and how it will be used in the show during summer 2016. None of the events that surround the Veto competition or the Veto ceremony will likely get revealed until the Wednesday episode on June 29. If producers are following a typical schedule inside the BB18 house, then the Veto ceremony will actually get taped at some point on Monday, June 27.

Something interesting among the houseguests could also be viewed as the first “showmance” of the season. Natalie Negrotti and Victor Arroyo had a date within the BB18 house, with some cuddling taking place after the event. For now, the three nominees for eviction are Paul Abrahamian, Paulie Calafiore, and Jozea Flores. The next round of Big Brother 18 spoilers will likely address who takes Paul’s place on the block after he saves himself at the Veto ceremony. Until then, the live feeds are now available for fans to keep up with every moment in the show this summer.

[Photo by Vince Bucci/Getty Images]

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