Carrie Lynn Reichert, Prince Harry’s Naked Party Pal, In Jail For Allegedly Writing Bad Checks

Carrie Lynn Reichert, the woman who snitched on Prince Harry after his naked Vegas romp to UK papers, is behind bars after she was nabbed by cops at an airport on an outstanding warrant.

Reichert gave her age as 32 when blabbing to Brit tabloids about Prince Harry and her wild night with the monarch, but arresting documents have her listed as 40. She was attempting to make a run for the border, heading off to Mexico on August 24 when she was nabbed by 5-0 at the airport on charges she passed bad checks totaling more than $20,000.

Back when the scandal broke, Reichart sold her tale to the Mirror, telling the paper that in the 15-20 minutes she chilled in Harry’s suite, she had some naked kissing fun with the Prince but that he appeared to be more intoxicated than is becoming of a young man in his position:

“We kissed, he was naked at the time, and pretty open… He was a gentleman, but he was so wasted. The alcohol affected him. I was there for 15 to 20 minutes.”

Reichert continued:

“He looked actually delirious. There was a pool table and he was playing air guitar with pool sticks. He was screaming out, ‘Somebody get me a glove! I’m going to do a Michael Jackson impression!’…He would just randomly walk up to you and hug you. He was just really friendly and there were just really ­random naked hugs. It was funny.”

A source for a law enforcement agency snitched Reichert out to the New York Daily News after her tale of partying with Prince Harry hit papers, saying that the buxom blonde was tripped up as she attempted to fly out:

“Customs matched her up at the airport,” the source said. “She was fixing to go out of the country, but we had them snatch her up. She didn’t get to go on her little weekend adventure.”

Police say Prince Harry’s party pal may be extradited to Missouri after her California arrest, and she is being held in jail while the case processes.

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