Kim Kardashian West Reveals She Wants Another Child With Kanye West Despite Her Risky Pregnancies, Loses 60 Pounds

Kim Kardashian West is the first person to admit that she didn’t enjoy being pregnant with Saint, 6-months-old, and North, 3-years-old.

In fact, Kardashian told People that being pregnant was the worst experience of her life. For some women, they glow during pregnancy, but apparently, Kim is not one of those types of women.

Kim’s opinion of pregnancy is not uncommon. After all, she suffered a few very dangerous complications in both of her pregnancies. The reality TV star had preeclampsia (a condition marked by high blood pressure) with North’s pregnancy, and with her son, Saint, she had placenta accreta (a condition where the placenta attaches deeply into the uterine wall).

Kardashian recalls that during Saint’s birth, it took almost two hours to get the placenta out of her uterus.

“My cervix was closed and the doctor had to break it open through my cervix with his hand. They thought they were going to have to remove my uterus. I knew it was a possibility, but thankfully it all worked out.”

Right after Saint’s birth, Kim remembers telling Kanye that she never wants to go through the pain of pregnancy and childbirth again. Kim asked him to remind her of this moment later because she knew it was something she’d forget about several months later.

Four months after Saint’s risky birth, Kim started thinking about having another one. Of course, she doesn’t mean right now, but in a year or two. She knows the risk of having another child, but thinks that she is “destined to be a mother to three kids.”

For now, Kardashian is a busy mom to two–“wild and crazy” North and “sweet and calm” Saint.

“They look so much alike but have totally different personalities. All North want to do is put on a costume and sing and dance. She steals my jewelry, she loves clothes and obsessed with makeup. Saint sits and smiles all day long.”

It took Kim a few months to lose 60 pounds after Saint’s birth. She has admitted to struggling with her weight and noted the weight didn’t fall off like it did following North’s birth three years ago.

Kim Kardashian revealed her meal plan to Today and explained that she follows a pretty healthy diet. She sticks to a 1700 calorie diet and doesn’t eat many carbohydrates. Kardashian mainly sticks to healthy carbs found in fruits and vegetables.

Not only does she stick to an Atkins style of eating, but she drinks 64 oz. of water a day and makes sure not to consume junk foods. Kim explained that she dropped 60 pounds by sticking to the Atkins 40 diet plan.

Kardashian claims she eats three full meals with three snacks. She focuses on vegetables since they typically have much fewer carbs than fruits. She does eat the Atkins Harvest Trail Bar often, and the nutritionist told Today it isn’t very healthy.

Overall, Kim’s diet plan is a healthy one (minus the Atkins bar). She’s eating enough calories and doesn’t seem to be eating a “crash diet.” She eats a variety of foods which helps her to get the right amount of nutrients from her foods.

Do you think Kim Kardashian West will have another baby anytime soon? Have you ever followed the Atkins diet?

One thing is for sure, whatever Kim Kardashian did to drop her baby weight worked, and she looks fabulous. We hope that if Kim really wants another baby, she can make it happen.

Stick with the Inquisitr for more Kim Kardashian West news, gossip, and updates.

[Photo by Jeff Spicer/Getty Images]

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