An abandoned newborn baby, said to be approximately 3-days-old, was recently found being eaten alive by ants in the Chelyabinsk woodlands area of central Russia.
According to the Daily Mail , the baby was discovered by a man who was on his way to work. On that particular day, he decided to take a shortcut, which may have ultimately saved the baby’s life because it has been reported that she may not have survived much longer.
The man stated that he heard the baby crying, which piqued his curiosity. He was met with a grim sight when he discovered the helpless newborn covered in ants. It has been reported that umbilical cord was still attached to the baby’s body. The man reportedly called an ambulance, and the baby was rushed to a nearby hospital.
Newborn baby found being ‘eaten alive’ by ants after being dumped in woodland
— The Mirror (@DailyMirror) June 3, 2015
Although the baby is being treated for the severe ant bites and is expected to make a full recovery, the Chelyabinsk Police Department is still faced with an even bigger issue — finding the parents responsible for the baby’s abandonment, reports Mirror Online . A spokesperson for the police department released a brief statement about the incident.
“The person that found the baby girl heard her crying and on investigating discovered the child lying on a pile of leaves and covered in ants. It was clear that the child had been abandoned and there was no one else in sight, so they picked her up and called for an ambulance.”
Unfortunately, cases of abandonment are considered a “common occurrence” in Russia, according to the Moscow Times. From 2010 to 2013, approximately 532 infanticides were reported. However, this situation could have possibly been avoided. There is a non-government organization known as Cradle of Hope that has created baby boxes where parents can take unwanted babies. The alternative gives the child a chance at life.
“We are not here to encourage parents to abandon their newborns,” said Yelena Kotova, founder of Cradle of Hope. “We are trying to safeguard two lives: the mother’s and the child’s. We are here to make sure that the mother doesn’t become a criminal and that her child survives.”
[Photo by Christopher Furlong / Getty Images]