Negan ‘Walking Dead’ Scene Spoiled For Millions By Yahoo

The Negan Walking Dead debut in Sunday night’s finale left many casual fans of the series furious as the episode cut to black after the new villain chooses which of the main characters he is going to murder with the barbed-wire-covered baseball bat Lucille.

As the character, played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, rains blow after blow on the unseen victim until all that’s left for viewers to hear is a wet, slushy mess, the realization that it would be another six months before any revelations came started to take hold.

While fans of the comic books know who bought it in this scene, the folks at AMC have deviated from the source material quite a few times, to where watching the show and reading the comics are two unique experiences.

That said, it could still be up in the air as to which of the main cast died Sunday night, but there is no question if you pick up the Negan Walking Dead debut comic.

Unfortunately, some in media land either don’t realize or don’t care that the television series could be a gateway to the books for some.

It is proper netiquette to give a warning before you discuss spoilers, but it’s never okay to drop a spoiler bomb right there in the headline where news browsers and potential future partakers of said entertainment can’t get away from it.

Yet that’s what Yahoo recently allowed to happen when the blog Pop Sugar posted the most spoilerific headline ever on the Negan Walking Dead kill choice.

Now, the Inquisitr doesn’t believe in ruining things without ample warning, so let this be it. You are about to enter discussion regarding that scene as well as the potential Negan Walking Dead finale kill (if it’s the same character).

If you don’t want to know, stop now.

Ready? Okay.

The Negan Walking Dead comic debut leaves none other than Glenn with a smashed in skull in one of the most brutal and sickening deaths you’re likely to see in comics.

Rather than teasing that in a headline, Yahoo broadcast it like so.

The culprit behind this Negan Walking Dead spoiler was the Pop Sugar blog.

What’s worse is that in the opening sentence, the writer of the article warns, “A few spoilers below! Tread lightly!” in spite of the fact that every headline for the article already prominently gave away the fact that it’s Glenn who dies in the Negan Walking Dead debut.

Naturally, this resulted in a backlash with furious commenters chiming in.

“Why would you use that headline? A**hole,” said one.

“Seriously? What is wrong with you? This is the internet’s equivalent of standing outside the theater to shout spoilers at those in line,” added another.

Perhaps the angriest was commenter Ron Goebel.

“Oh, Glenn’s dead? Gee, thanks for letting me know. God forbid I actually got to find out by watching the show. Instead I get to find out from some idiot that don’t understand how spoilers work. What kind of a jerk thinks that this is a good title? I can’t even check my email without some moron ruining something. Thanks Yahoo! I’ll be sure to just use Gmail from now on.”

While Goebel and other WD fans may still be in for a surprise when the show resumes in October, his point is that there was no reason to put something that significant in a headline.

Comics and film are separate mediums, but fans are starting to cross over with greater frequency, and content like the Walking Dead comic, which was first published in 2003, is for many a new discovery thanks to the show.

Spoilers can be discussed, but shoving them right in front of people’s faces through a headline that they can easily read without seeking it is a jerk move.

But what do you think, readers? Are spoiler headlines getting ridiculous, and do you think the Negan Walking Dead scene will play out in the same way on screen that it does in the comics?

[Image via AMC]

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