Sittercity Gets $7.5 Million, an online database of home caregivers, has received $7.5 million in new funding. The cash comes from Point Judith Capital and Apex Venture Partners.

Sittercity offers location-based searches for babysitters, nannies, petsitters, senior caregivers, housesitters, and even tutors. The site offers screening, background checks, and even video interviews with potential caregivers in the various categories. Caregiver profiles can be created for free. Careseekers pay membership fees of $8 to $10 a month to be able to gain full access to the information.

Sittercity has been around since 2001. It now has profiles for more than a million registered caregivers. The site also claims the #287 spot on INC Magazine’s list of America’s 500 fastest growing companies.

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