Sandy Hook Truther Destroys Memorial, Calls Grieving Mother To Say Her Daughter Never Existed

A Sandy Hook truther has stolen a sign dedicated to a young girl killed in the Newtown massacre, calling the mother to say the massacre was all a hoax and that the 7-year-old was never killed.

The sign, which was made of vinyl and weighed 50 pounds, was stolen from the Grace McDonnell Playground in Mystic, Connecticut. The sign featured a peace sign drawn by Grace, who was one of 20 children shot by Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012.

Grace’s mother, Lynn McDonnell, didn’t know about the vandalism until the Sandy Hook truther actually called her on the phone. The vandal allegedly told the grieving mother than the school shooting was a hoax, reports. He also suggested that her daughter never existed.

The Sandy Hook truther movement started within days of the massacre, with members claiming that the shooting was an elaborate ruse set up by the government in order to pass stringent gun control. Many members believe that the slain children and grieving parents are actually actors.

Sandy Hook truthers have harassed victims of the tragedy in the past, including threatening phone calls to parents and a neighbor who helped children in the wake of the shooting.

Just last week, vandals painted graffiti on another playground dedicated to a victim, Anna Grace Marquez-Greene. The vandal painted the letters “BEKS” and the words “To Sandy Hook.”

Lynn McDonnell said the Sandy Hook truther was upsetting, but she would not let him break her resolve.

“We are going to keep moving forward,” she told NBC Connecticut. “This is not going to stop us, but it is heartbreaking.”

Police said they are still investigating the playground theft and have not identified the Sandy Hook truther.

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