Jiang Zemin Internet Searches Censored by Chinese Government As Health Possibly Fails

Chinese government officials have sensored searches for ailing leader Jiang Zemin for fear that issues regarding his health could lead to revolt and other actions in the country.

The censorship began after Jiang, 84, was said to be dying or possibly had already died as early as Friday when he failed to stand alongside various other leaders of the country’s communist party during the party’s 90th anniversary celebration.

The country blocked terms on Twitter that not only included Jiang’s name but also “301” which is the name of the hospital in Beijing where he is being treated. Other words banned include “river” (the word used by some savvy Tweeters in place of Jiang’s name), also banned were “brain death” and “brain dead” among others.

The move shouldn’t surprise many citizens in the country who find it common place for their leaders to guard secrets about their senior officials.

It’s still unclear why Chinese officials have decided to block terms about their leaders health, however speculation is that they want to control how his death is perceived in the media, while officials are still unsure how his death will resonate with citizens.

Jiang took over the party after the Tiananmen Square massacre and has helped introduce free-market economics to the country while reducing the state’s role in business.

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