Kevin Feige Explains How Thanos Fits Into The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige probably needs a chance to catch his breath these days.

While promoting director Alan Taylor’s Thor: The Dark World, Feige has answered numerous questions about the future of the Marvel cinematic universe. In addition to dropping details about Hulk, Iron Man, and the possibility of another Thor flick, he addressed how Thanos fits into these upcoming movies.

The iconic villain made his first appearance during The Avengers post-credit sequence. According to Worst Previews, he will appear again in Joss Whedon’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron and director James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy. The heroes will reportedly do battle with Thanos in The Avengers 3.

Since the villain appears to be at the center of all of this mayhem, The Huffington Post recently asked Kevin Feige if Thanos is kind of like the final boss in a video game. Although he really hadn’t thought about the character in those terms, he agreed with that analogy.

Feige explained:

“We never thought of it exactly like that, but I’d say that’s a fair analogy, yes. You look at some classic story lines in the comics and they tease out characters like that — big bads like that — for sometimes years. I think Walter Simonson was teasing Surtur for years before he popped up. It’s fun to have the luxury to build somebody up like that.”

Thanos isn’t the only character Kevin Feige has discussed in recent days. Slashfilm asked the guy when fans can expect to see Thor’s arch-enemy Loki on the big screen following The Dark World. Although the villain is clearly a favorite among comic book movie geeks, Feige doesn’t know when Loki will make another appearance.

“Yeah, I don’t think it would be before ‘Thor 3’ if there is a ‘Thor 3’ and while we certainly have ideas of where we would like that to go, there are no specifics. We have to see how this one does and then go from there,” Feige explained to the website.

Marvel fans have plenty of stuff to keep them busy in the coming months. Not only are Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier on their way to theaters, Guardians of the Galaxy is presently set to hit the big screen next summer.

Since Kevin Feige is still in the process of promoting the new Thor flick, chances are even more information about the Marvel cinematic universe will arrive in the near future.

[Image via Marvel Comics]

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