Deep Purple 2013 Now What?! Where Are The Live Tours?

Deep Purple live tours are rare in the United States. The band hasn’t appeared in the USA since 2007 and the new Deep Purple album, Now What?! will have to keep their fans happy.

As previously reported by The Inquisitr, Deep Purple was featured in Rock Band 3.

So… Now What?! A new CD, that’s what! Deep Purple wrote “Smoke on the Water” and the Rock Band Video Game intro song “Highway Star.” I’m not old enough to have followed Deep Purple and only know about their guitarist Tommy Bolin from an article published by The Inquisitr. For many young twenty-somethings, Rock Band was probably the first time anyone heard of Deep Purple. If I gave a bad review of a new disc by an old band I’d get flamed by fans, so for this article I teamed up with someone who remembers Deep Purple from when they were big.

Presenting a Deep Purple love/hate letter from a long time fan:

Deep Purple Reviewed

By Charles

All you electronic keyboard haters need to take a big dose of “Space Truckin'” and ‘Hush.” Deep Purple is hard rock, no matter the time frame. My friend was yelling at his parents when he was four years every time they turned off the hard rock he loved from the first time he heard it. Hendrix, The Who, Cream, Canned Heat, Deep Purple his parents thought rock was a highway to hell before AC/DC came along!

I don’t remember the first time I heard “Hush,” but I took riding lessons at nine years old. One day, the last horse in the barn was a 16 hand horse. I had enough experience to ride it so they gave a younger kid the horse I was on. An hour later, as the horses exited the forest part of the trail ride, I took him for a run over the green rolling hills dotted with oil pump-jacks. When the trail leader got back to the barn she started yelling at me, verifying I was permanently banned. I left my mom to deal with it. Taking that horse for a run was worth getting banished. I walked down into a natural gas waste pipe pit to look at the colors in the water below and watch the flaming oil floating on it. Someone pulled into the parking lot with a loud stereo booming overhead. That was the first time I heard “Smoke on the Water,” making it a moment in time I’ll never forget.

I am an audiophile. I have absolute pitch and can’t tune a guitar because I can hear the difference in pitch between the open and fingered strings. I’ve done sound for a few small local bands and like running sound boards.When Rock Band first came out, I saw the same reaction on the faces of teens and twenty year olds who are into Death Metal that I remember when I first heard the game’s intro song “Highway Star.” Deep Purple’s old music still hits a cord with people listening to completely different music styles, if they don’t know how old the music is before they hear it.

So, what’s wrong with Deep Purple’s new album? It doesn’t really rock.

Deep Purple’s new album Now What?! sounds exactly like their non-hit material from the 60’s, which is not a precedent to set for kids who never heard of Deep Purple until they turned on Rock Band. Deep Purple is talented and could create the next genera of rock. That’s what I expected, but did not get.

Now What?! sounds like an idling top fuel dragster that never pulled out of the garage. As a lifelong hard rock music lover who digs the sound of real Leslie speakers, I’d like to help Deep Purple. A Mash-Up would get air play but you need to have something new to show people. Efforts like Now What?! will only cement your place as a former super-group.

Consider Meatloaf’s Bat Out Of Hell album cover. Write a song about a motorcycle that’s faster than Highway Star. Deep Purple needs to loosen up and jam remotely with Joe Satriani, Budgie, and new bands that enjoy their music. May Deep Purple and their roadies stay healthy and keep you rocking. What Next? Live! can be what’s next if Deep Purple writes new songs for it.

Deep Purple Live Tours

For the fans, here’s the 2013 tour schedule: Deep Purple Rocks!

Deep Purple 2013 is only touring Europe this fall. They haven’t been in America since 2007. Someone’s got to bring them back to America! Just because their last album bombed doesn’t mean the band died. Music lovers, go see Deep Purple. They will melt your face off!

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