Cost of glasses show just how ridiculous this idea of 3D TV is

I’ll be right up front on this – I think the idea of 3D television has got to be one of the stupidest ideas in a long tong time and trust me I see more than my far share of stupid ideas on a daily basis.

What makes this so abundantly clear is that in order for a 3D television to work you are going to have to constantly wear a pair of 3D glasses; also known as shutter glasses. That in itself is a arsine idea but toss in what it is going to cost for those glasses and we have a case of roll on the floor laughing stupidity.

While we are being inundated with news about the 3D televisions themselves news about the glasses required for this incredible technological advance is just starting to trickle out. DVICE has news today about the offering from Samsung for their must-have glasses.

The LCD shutter glasses you need to complete the illusion for said 3DTVs. Those glasses cost $150 a pair.

Granted, these aren’t the red-and-blue-lensed cardboard shades of days gone by — shutter shades typically have a transmitter in them to communicate with a TV set, as well as a battery. It’s also worth noting that this is only one model of the various shutter shades Samsung will most likely bring to the market.

Still, $150 is rough stuff when it comes to an early benchmark of what a pair of shades might cost. Sure, retailers will probably eat the cost of a pair or two with each set sold, but what if you have a family of four? Or five? Things start getting expensive, and you have to start making hard choices. Do you buy a pair for everyone? Or do you put Billy in the corner, because it’s Sally’s turn to watch her 3D cartoons?

The glasses are already available for pre-order for those of you who think this is going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread.

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