Cam Newton Gets Ripped By Social Media For Recent Outfit Worn At Presser — Is It Deserved?

Cam Newton has become one of the best draft picks that came out of college in the past five years. Coming from a humble beginning, Newton was able to land a spot in Florida as a back-up quarterback for eventual Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow. However, due to some criminal charges that ended up being dropped, Newton’s temper got him suspended from the team.

This led to his transfer to Blinn Community College in Texas. His success there opened the door for Auburn, where he would help the Tigers win an SEC Championship, BCS National Championship, as well as himself, win a Heisman Trophy.

Newton’s success also transferred to the NFL, as he would lead the Carolina Panthers to the Superbowl in 2016. Although they were not able to win the game, Carolina was surely one of the best teams in all of NFL last season.

Newton has also made sure to embrace his celebrity status. Popularizing the Atlanta-birthed “dab” dance move, he was certain to freely exhibit it during his football games. It became so popular, a bobblehead was created in his honor. Interestingly, Newton decided to retire the move, stating that he wanted to popularize another move for the current season.

While Newton has become a celebrity in the NFL, he became the subject of great mockery during a post-game presser following his match-up against the San Diego Chargers due to the wardrobe of his choice.

According to CBSSports, the reasoning behind the decision of Newton donning a very eccentric combination was due to be penalized for a uniform violation he received last week against the Seattle Seahawks.

“Specifically, he didn’t wear a tie — apparently, it wasn’t the first time — and no player is bigger than the team, at least according to coach Ron Rivera.”

As a result, Newton had to sit out for the first series of the game.

Since the Panthers played at home, a tie was not required. Instead, in what seemed to be a spiteful jab, Newton decided to wear a colorful scarf and an interesting selection of garment. This was not well-received by the social media community, as he was the subject of intense ridicule over the weekend.

In fact, social media flooded this outfit with different memes and descriptions.

“When Yo Hairdresser Scheduled You for A 3:30 Appointment And When You Get There At 3:30 she Say ‘Your Appointments At 4:30’ Cam Finna go off tomorrow”

“Cam Newton looking like them old ladies in the church who always got a purse full of breath mints and know all the Pastor’s dirt”

“Cam Newton out here lookin like he about to give the opening speech for the Women’s Day program at church”

Newton was certainly the subject of mockery with his recent wardrobe during his post-game presser. It can be argued that Newton decided to do this as a result of knowing that he will be mocked by others, and simply “embracing the hate,” as he has not been one to shy away from.

Chris Korman of USAToday agrees.

“Dressing like this only brings him negative attention, and you could certainly argue that Newton — like so many pro athletes — thrives off trolling his haters. Or maybe he just an interesting guy who dresses how he wants, and that’s it.”

Regardless of the reasoning, it surely got social media buzzing, and was more negatively than positively received. Seemingly, the flack stems from his decision to react to the suspension due to violating dress code.

With just three weeks left in the season, the Panthers are struggling with a record of 5-8, and it looks like their opportunity to make the playoffs this year is nearly impossible. Perhaps, Newton can use this time to regroup from a season that was unsuccessful, instead of making headlines for the outfit he wore.

[Featured Image by Bob Leverone/AP Images]

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