Does Bill Clinton’s Impeachment In 1998 Matter For Wife Hillary In 2016? Some Claim Clinton’s Track Record As President Could Ruin Hillary’s Campaign

Donald Trump just had to go there. The Donald recently brought up Hillary Clinton’s husband (and ex-U.S. President) Bill Clinton’s poor track record during his administration. Could something like that ruin Hillary’s shot at the Democratic Party nomination in 2016?

The current Dem front-runner has been going blow-for-blow with Donald Trump over the issues of whether the other is qualified to become President in 2016. Hillary had expressed her feelings that Trump isn’t qualified for the country’s most important job, though Trump seems to disagree. Clinton has also charged that her opponent profited from the housing market crash of the past few years, a claim the Huffington Post seems to suggest has truth in it.

“Investor Thomas Barrack Jr., whose private equity firm Colony Capital sought to profit from thousands of home foreclosures in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, will host the second [Trump fundraising] event, in Los Angeles on Wednesday.”

Whether these claims are true or not, neither candidate has a completely clean running record. Hillary Clinton has been hit with accusations as well, including using a government server for her private e-mails while she was Secretary of State. It seems that her husband’s reputation as President could either harm or hurt her in the elections. Hillary hasn’t been above dropping Bill’s name, and has promised she will put her husband in charge of restoring the nation’s economic vitality if elected since he already has a track record of doing so.

However, Bill Clinton’s impeachment and cheating scandal while in the White House are most definitely fair game for the opposition. Part of Trump’s issues with Bill Clinton’s impeachment is the casino mogul’s concerns over the how the Clintons treat women. CNN quoted The Donald as stating that Bill got impeached due to lying over the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Trump has also touted his campaign as being one of the only in 2016 that is completely self-funded. However, Hillary seems to feel Trump is “out of touch” with the average working-class person due to his immense wealth. Bill Clinton seems to be ignoring Trump’s vitriolic speech for the time being. CNN quoted the former U.S. President as saying “voters are smart enough to figure this out without my help.” That may not be true, however, as in certain states like California, Hillary’s lead is slipping to her main challenger for the Democratic Party’s nomination, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Hillary Clinton, however, doesn’t seem as laid back as the ex-President. Hillary threw plenty of shade at The Don, highlighting his mercurial temper and implying that America would be in a disastrous state if he had the codes to our nuclear weapons.

The Democratic spin has been to paint Trump as overly angry, racist, and generally hateful, a President and leader who would be anything but fair if he’s elected to the Oval Office. Trump’s replies have been to paint Hillary and Bill as unqualified leaders and expose nearly every scandal they’ve been embroiled in.

It’s possible that Bill’s track record as President could hurt Hillary in seeking the 2016 presidential nomination. Clinton and Andrew Johnson were the only two Presidents in history that had been impeached by the House Of Representatives, though both were later cleared of charges by the Senate.

The fact that Bill lied to cover up the details of the scandal could make him seem less trustworthy in the eyes of the public, therefore hurting his and Hillary’s credibility. On the other hand, though, Clinton is widely credited with bringing the country out of an economic slump through his policies and support of the North American Trade Act.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Does Bill Clinton still have any credibility left after his presidency’s scandal?

[Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images]

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