Azealia Banks, Sarah Palin Twitter Feud Rolls Over To Bernie Sanders And Hillary Clinton

Late last week, a bizarre intersection of pop culture and politics came about when Azealia Banks and Sarah Palin got into a Twitter feud. Now, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have also been pulled into the ring on the feisty rapper’s social media account.

Putting a rest to her public beef with Sarah for a few days, Azealia instead focused her Twitter energies on Bernie and Hillary. Neither Sanders nor Clinton faced anything near the level of verbal assault that Banks laid on Palin, but that doesn’t mean the artist was down on her game.

Hearing that Bernie would be making a campaign stop in Washington Heights, Azealia said that she would be asking him for reparations. While nowhere near the level of aggressive humor found in her Twitter responses to Sarah, Banks poked fun at Sanders all the same.

Though her jabs at Bernie seemed pretty lighthearted compared to her Palin Twitter feud, Azealia went for a more serious tone when discussing Hillary later in the day. While Clinton didn’t receive a colorful string of vulgar tweets like Sarah, she did get a pretty scathing remark for a candidate running for president.

Banks posted a video of hip-hop artist Sister Souljah responding to controversial comments that Bill Clinton made in 1992 comparing her to Klu Klux Klan leader David Duke for statements she made following the Rodney King riots. The clip re-surfaced this week after an interaction Bill had with a Black Lives Matter protesters, one that the Washington Post characterized as a low moment of his campaigning for Hillary.

Azealia’s messages about the Democratic presidential hopefuls were mere punctuation points, however, compared to the explosion of attention focused on her X-rated battle with Palin. Banks was condemned by even the most left-leaning media for her remarks about Sarah — people who would under basically no other circumstances be offended by jokes about Palin.

It’s hard to say how much of that has to with Sarah or with Azealia herself. Banks has become well-known in the press for a confrontational attitude — one that has made her few friends, especially among other top-tier female rappers. Some called her Palin slam the ultimate proof that she would go after just about anyone, even if she does maintain it’s all just for fun.

With Sarah Palin, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and even Donald Trump all showing up on Azealia Banks’ Twitter this week, her 551,000 followers can only wait to see who the next high-profile feud bait will be thrown to.

[Photo via Robert Altman/AP Photo and Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images]

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