‘Destiny:’ Xûr’s Exotic Goods For April 8, Waiting For 2.2 Update

Destiny players looking forward to Xûr’s weekly visit in the Tower will have to wait until next week’s April update to get excited. The mysterious vendor appeared in the Tower on Friday, April 8, with a decent collection of wares, including some that have not been seen from him in a while. Veteran players have likely seen these Exotic armor pieces several times already, but newer players may get something of value.

As previously covered, the Destiny 2.2 update will be released sometime on Tuesday, April 12. It includes weapon balance and Crucible changes, new armor and weapons with some Year One Exotics brought forward, plus new activities for Prison of Elders and a new quest line that ends with a new Strike.

Xûr can be found just outside of the Speaker’s building, next to the railing overlooking the city this weekend. Turn left as soon as you spawn in the Tower and run straight to the north part of the social space. Here’s where you can find him on the Tower map.

Destiny Xur Tower North Railing (PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360)
[Image via Bungie]
Exotic Gear on Sale

Name Type Max Stat Cost
Crest of Alpha Lupi Titan Chest Armor 104 Intellect 13 Strange Coins
Don’t Touch Me Hunter Gauntlets 40 Discipline /
45 Strength
13 Strange Coins
The Impossible Machines Warlock Gauntlets 66 Strength 13 Strange Coins
Exotic Engram Body Armor 19 Strange Coins
Legacy Engram Year One Exotic Chest Armor 29 Strange Coins


Plasma Drive Legendary Vehicle Upgrade 23 Strange Coins
“Emerald Coil” Legendary Vehicle Upgrade 23 Strange Coins
Heavy Ammo Synthesis Ammo Synthesis 3-pack 1 Strange Coin
Three of Coins Exotic Chance Boost 5-pack 7 Strange Coins
Glass Needles Resets Exotic Stats 3-pack 3 Strange Coins, 3 Motes of Light, 1 Exotic Shard

For those wondering what to get, here are a few helpful hints.

Crest of Alpha Lupi

Destiny Crest of Alpha Lupi Titan Exotic Chest Armor (PlayStation, Xbox)
[Image via Destiny]
If you are a Titan and have been playing Destiny since The Taken King launched, you’ve probably already had several of these drop. If not, you are looking at the best team-focused Exotic that can be used effectively by all three Titan sub-classes. The “Keeper of the Pack” intrinsic perk gives extra Orbs of Light when using a Super ability and allows you to revive teammates quickly.

The side bonuses give a choice between extra Pulse Rifle ammo and Shotgun ammo. It also comes with the perk option for Arc Recovery or Arc Armor.

The max 104 Intellect is an excellent roll and fits all three Titan sub-classes perfectly.

Don’t Touch Me

Destiny Don't Touch Me Hunter Exotic Gauntlets (PlayStation, Xbox)
[Image via Bungie]
The Don’t Touch Me Gauntlets for Hunters come with the “Defensive Reflex” signature perk that will briefly turn your character invisible when hit with a melee attack. These are best used as a defensive piece in PVE for any section where you are swarmed by enemies.

The optional perks grant a choice between “Switchblade” and “Impact Induction” for either decreased melee cool down or bonus grenade energy on melee hits. The faster reload option is between Hand Cannons and Sniper Rifles.

The 40 Discipline/45 Strength split roll doesn’t fit all that well with these Gauntlets unless your Destiny character already has a strong Strength build. Consider re-rolling for pure Strength.

The Impossible Machines

Destiny The Impossible Machines Warlock Exotic Gauntlets (PlayStation, Xbox)
[Image via Bungie]
These Warlock Gauntlets are specific to the Stormcaller subclass and currently remain a must-have. The innate perk is called “Lightning Rod” and gives the subclass the “Landfall” ability perk without taking up a spot on the skill tree.

The other available perks include the choice between “Snap Discharge” for faster melee attack speed and “Impact Induction” for bonus grenade energy on melee hits. There is also the choice of faster reload speed on Hand Cannons or Shotguns.

The 66 Strength stat roll will likely need a re-roll. It will help to work in Intellect for that all important Super. Destiny players can shoot for the weapon reload preference in the process.

[Image via Bungie]

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