Thomas Ravenel Threatens Criminal Charges Against Kathryn Calhoun Dennis’ Drug Dealer

Is Kathryn Calhoun Dennis really over Thomas Ravenel? She certainly gave off that impression during her appearance on Andy Cohen’s talk show Watch What Happens Live on Monday night; she remained calm even when a viewer called in and said that he recently saw Thomas at a restaurant with a call girl. Kathryn nonchalantly took the news in and said that she’s never ever getting back together with Thomas.

Thomas, meanwhile, leveled his own scandalous charge. On Wednesday, he tweeted that he’s taking their son to see a neurologist to check for brain damage. Thomas threatened that if damages are found, he’s filing charges against Kathryn’s drug dealer.

As The Inquisitr reported, Thomas accused Kathryn in December 2015 of doing drugs while pregnant with their second child.

On Monday night’s Watch What Happens Live, a viewer named Adam, a chef from Florida, called in to tell Kathryn that he and his girlfriend saw Thomas in the restaurant with a call girl. As Adam tells his story, Kathryn makes a shocked face but then smiles in an exasperated way. Shen then gives a knowing look and whispers to Andy, “This happens all the time.” Andy’s mouth was agape upon hearing the story.

“We’re big fans of hers and I’m a chef at a restaurant down here and I caught, I saw Thomas in our restaurant with a call girl at the time. And I was freaking out cause I wasn’t sure if it was him or not cause my girl watches the show all the time…We see him in there, I got her and we, you know, we went back up there and it was definitely him man. We’re just, you know, supporters of hers [Kathryn] and our question was…why is she sticking with that guy?”

Andy chimes in to point out that Kathryn is not with Thomas. Kathryn confirmed that she’s not with him.

“Not with him. Never ever getting back together, thank you, in the words of Taylor Swift.”

This isn’t the first time that Thomas Ravenel has been accused of improper behavior while in Florida. As previously reported by The Inquisitr, Thomas was accused in August 2015 of going to a hotel with another man’s girlfriend in Florida. Someone who claimed to be the woman’s boyfriend confronted Thomas and the woman, with a camera on, as they arrived at the hotel. According to a source, Thomas met the man’s girlfriend on Facebook and made a deal to get her on Southern Charm if she spent a few nights with him.

The Season 3 premiere episode started off with a very dramatic dinner party. Thomas had his co-stars, including Kathryn Calhoun Dennis, and other friends, over at his new home for dinner. The dinner party went sour when Thomas got up to make a toast, during which he hurled insults at Shep Rose, Cameran Eubanks, and Landon Clements.

“I would say to Shep, instead of trying to f**k every girl in Charleston, why not take a look at the girl, you know, admire and adore, who is sitting right over here. I would say to Cameran, I have three sisters and you remind me of them, all self-righteous and judgmental, sanctimonious. Okay I want to say one thing to Landon, you’ve been a little catty, a little disrespectful towards Kathryn, the mother of my child. I would like for you two, I would like for you two to be friends, it’s your fault more than anyone else’s.”

Thomas continued to lash out at his co-stars as they left his house. He chased after them even after they left the house and were trying to drive off in a golf cart.

The day after the premiere episode aired, Thomas apologized to his co-stars for his behavior at the dinner party. Shep Rose, who watched the premiere episode with Cameran and Landon, accepted the apology.

That dinner party apparently took place at the end of the filming period. After showing the dinner party clip, the premiere episode stated that it was going back three months prior. Updates on all of the cast members were given. Kathryn was shown heavily pregnant with her and Thomas’ second child. She explained that they had reconciled for a few days after Season 2 and admitted that the pregnancy was not planned. Kathryn, who was living at her parents’ home, also made clear that they were not together and claimed that Thomas wasn’t paying proper child support.

Thomas and Kathryn, after months of not seeing one another, reunited at Craig Conover’s party. Thomas approached Kathryn and tried to be nice. Kathryn criticized Thomas for not talking to her for months. He told her that she looked beautiful and asked to touch her belly, which she allowed.

Will Season 3 of Southern Charm, like the previous seasons, show Thomas Ravenel and Kathryn Calhoun Dennis repeatedly making up and breaking up? Is Thomas actually hoping now to reconcile with Kathryn despite his public accusation that she did drugs while pregnant with their child? After the premiere episode aired, Thomas retweeted several tweets regarding Kathryn. One of the tweets expressed hope for a reconciliation between Thomas and Kathryn.

[Image via Kathryn Calhoun Dennis on Instagram]

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