Jenelle Evans Caught On Tape: Assault Charge Could Get Serious In Court

Jenelle Evans claimed that she had moved on from Nathan Griffith last summer, as they had broken up. Evans told her fans that she had moved on and had no plans of getting back together with him. In fact, she couldn’t recall the last time she saw him. But then she got arrested for assault, as she had been accused of throwing a glass at Jessica Henry — Nathan’s new girlfriend. That assault charge from August hasn’t gone away, and Jenelle could face some legal troubles.

According to a new Radar Online report, Jenelle Evans is caught on tape telling her story to police officers after the incident took place. This video, which was recorded by the police, will be used in court in her jury trial. The story is that Nathan and Jessica showed up to her home in August, and the two girls got into a fight. Evans threw a glass at Henry, and the police were called. Evans was charged with third-degree assault and battery.

But Jenelle Evans does have a strong legal team and her lawyer, Amy Loving, is now waiting to see those videos that are being watched by the prosecution. She calls the videos “the evidence – reports, videos, etc.” In the video, Jenelle tells police her side of the story and she admits to throwing a “glass Mason jar” at Henry’s head, and described what happened to the officer.

The report reveals that Evans “stated that she walked outside and the victim got out of the truck. The arrestee claimed that she was in fear, so she threw water at the victim and the jar slipped from her hand. The arrestee stated that the victim caught the jar and threw it back at the arrestee, striking her back and then broke.”

But is Jenelle lying about the incident? The police officer was at the scene, and apparently knew where the shattered Mason jar was found. He claims that Evans’ description of the incident would have resulted in the shattered Mason jar landing in a different place. It is possible that she replied to the officer in the interview, but that could be information that may be used in court. It is also possible that Nathan is a witness, and has a different story.

“I looked and did not observe any redness or any other injury to the arrestee’s back,” the officer wrote about the interview, according to Radar Online. No word on when the trial will be, as the judge hasn’t said anything about a trial date.

But it isn’t just Nathan and Jessica that Jenelle Evans is getting into trouble with. Jenelle has been a bit vocal about Amber Portwood’s personal troubles, as Matt Baier has been called out in the press. Evans decided to add her thoughts to her conversation, which only got her into trouble with Portwood herself.

“He was a Twitter hater, Stalker… After your money, you are being fooled. I wish you would see that. Not against you,” Jenelle wrote to Amber about Matt, according to Design N Trend, adding, “Just like Farrah Abraham called you and told you…. Just see that you deserve much better baby girl. Much love.”

While Amber could have quickly jumped on Jenelle for not being supportive, she simply asked her fellow Teen Mom star to please stop reading articles online.

“Matt is a sweet guy and stopped saying things about you when we started talking because I told him about all the heartache,” Amber Portwood wrote back to Jenelle, adding, “We have nothing but love for y’all. And he’s a great guy. Stop reading articles you should know.”

The conversation quickly escalated with Evans saying “ew” to someone, who questioned her whether Matt had hit on her as well. One can imagine that Portwood isn’t happy with Evans these days.

What do you think of Jenelle Evans’ troubles?

[Image via Instagram]

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