Charli XCX, Bleachers: Remainder Of Joint U.S. Tour Canceled By Charli XCX, Bleachers Disappointed

Charli XCX and Bleachers have canceled the second leg of their U.S. tour that was set to kick off in September. On Friday, Jack Antonoff posted a lengthy message on the Bleachers’ Facebook page to confirm that the tour has been called off and to let fans know that it was “Charli’s camp” that made the decision.

“So here is what happened and i’m just gonna give you the actual story with no filter. was all geared up for leg 2 of the tour when we got a call from charli’s camp that she couldn’t continue on the tour. came as a bit of a shock to me as I’m sure it is to you right now. i need you guys to have the truthful and unfiltered version of what happened because canceling shows is something i do not do unless I physically can’t walk on to the stage. i know how important these shows are to you guys – they mean everything to me. i wish there was something here that made more sense to all of us [sic].”

Charli XCX and Bleachers remain close, and both stated that they love and respect each other despite this news. Charli XCX posted her own message on Facebook, stating that her decision to cancel the tour was due to “personal reasons.” She went into a bit of detail, offered an apology to her fans, and extended a great amount of gratitude to those who support her.

“For personal reasons I will not be able to continue this tour. These personal reasons include the fact that I need to be creative. Artists tour for a really really long time and I have been on the road for a while now, probably not as long as some, but for me it feels like an eternity. I am struggling to create whilst I’m on the road and that is making me unhappy.”

According to the Los Angeles Times, Jack Antonoff said that he will return to the studio since he has finished touring sooner than he had expected. It sounds like Charli XCX will also be back in the studio, as she stressed that she wants to “create.” Fans who purchased tickets to one of the canceled shows should be able to get a full refund from their ticket distributor.

Did you have tickets to see Charli XCX and Bleachers on tour? Are you surprised that the tour has been canceled?

[Photo by Tim P. Whitby / Getty Images Entertainment]

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