Gatewood Galbraith Died In 2012, But His Name May Be On The Ballot

Gatewood Galbraith has run for office many times over the years in Kentucky, and despite dying in 2012, his name might be on the ballot for governor of the state this year, ABC News reported. But Gatewood Galbraith is not seeking office from his grave. Another name, formerly named Terrill Wayne Newman, got his name legally changed to Gatewood Galbraith and has filed to run for governor of Kentucky as an independent candidate.

“Newman told the Lexington Herald-Leader he doesn’t expect to be elected but, “I sure do hope this warms Gatewood’s grave.” Galbraith ran for governor five times and gained a following for his wit and his stances on legalizing hemp and marijuana,” ABC News reported, “Newman said he’ll run on a similar platform, but will focus on his namesake. “I mostly will be talking about the great Gatewood Galbraith,” he said.”

The original Gatewood Galbraith had died on Jan. 4, 2012 and it was reported the next day by the Lexington Herald-Leader. He had run for governor five times and was known for always speaking his mind on issues.

“Gatewood Galbraith, an iconic Kentucky political figure and perennial candidate who won many hearts but never enough votes, died early Wednesday, just two months after running his fifth campaign for governor,” the Lexington Herald-Leader reported.

In this death, a new Gatewood Galbraith is seeking office in Kentucky this year, the Lexington Herald-Leader reported yesterday.

“Gatewood Galbraith, a Lexington attorney, died Jan. 4, 2012, of pneumonia at age 64. He unsuccessfully ran for governor five times and was a longtime advocate of legalizing hemp and marijuana. He was widely popular for his wit and independent stances” the Lexington Herald-Leader reported.

The new Gatewood Galbraith promises to run on the same issues the original did, and says he will honor the original Galbraith through his candidacy for office under the same name.

In some instances, dead candidates have been election, theInquisitr reported in 2012, the same year Gatewood Galbraith died. In the 2012 election, Democrat Earl K. Wood of Florida and Republican Charles Beasley of Alabama, where elected to county offices. They both died in October of 2012, and remained on the ballot because it was too late to remove them from the ballot.

It is unlikely this Gatewood Galbraith will be elected governor, but he will raise issues and add something to the debate during the election.

[Photo of the late Gatewood Galbraith from]

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